Titus 2 Mom
A Christian wife and Mom who wants to encourage those around her with tales of our daily life and struggles~

Sunday, December 2, 2012
God is good~
God has been good to me....God is so good~I remember singing these words as a little girl in church and as I reflect on all the changes that our family has been through; I find that indeed He has been good. Hubby now has a job!! That he really enjoys...with a boss that treats his employees well. We have just returned from a vacation with the children that got us away for Thanksgiving...a good time was had by all. Austin has finally gotten a diagnoses; Connective tissue disease. Now he will be on medication and Lord willing and with much prayer; his condition will improve. There have been many little things along the way that add up and that I will try to never take for granted again. Now I am praying to be able to embrace this third holiday season without my dad. There is the void of his presence at his favorite time of year. I don't suppose it will get easier for many holidays to come~but I want to embrace the spirit we once had before his passing. So I am going to decorate something we haven't done in two years. We will have a tree~we all agreed. Last year no one wanted one...and we will watch Christmas specials and plan what to do for Christmas. God was and is so good to me.
Sunday, October 21, 2012
This week was my first week back at work after several weeks off. September is beginning to become a hard time of year for me due to the extreme Summer here in sunny south Florida. So it was my yearly week spent in the hospital and back home again to recuperate. It was a so good to be back in my classroom with my little munchkins...they were so happy to see me. Nothing like great big hugs from little ones to make you feel loved and appreciated. I am the only one up this Sunday morning as the kids and Tom had a late night watching movies and playing games. I am enjoying the silence and my coffee. It was a hard day yesterday~lots of pain from getting back into the swings of things at school. I am going to simply spend the day taking it easy and getting ready for the week ahead. Very thankful that Tom got an appointment with UPS tomorrow morning! We have been praying that he would be able to get in for an interview. So tomorrow at 6 am bright and early he will be meeting with them. I continue to pray for my husband~that God will impress upon him that he has not been forgotten. That God would allow him to see that he does indeed have a plan for his life~that he will continue to take our family through whatever he has allowed in our path. So I continue to trust and look for the Lord to provide...and his provision has been consistent and good. Watching Pastor Stanley this morning and he is saying that" every trial in our life has a divine prescription"...Count it all joy! I am counting~and I am so very thankful that the God of creation loves me enough to continue to hold me up even when I don't think that I can keep going...that the God of heaven above loves me enough to give me the strength I need for another day. Thank you Father for loving me.
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