Sunday, September 5, 2010

A Day of Rest~

Tom is working again today...Praise God!!  After two years of not having steady work...he is working everyday.  I just pray that the Lord would give him strength as he is very tired...I pray for sales for him and provision for our family.  Got up with him this morning and sent him out the door with breakfast in hand and lunch.  Mandy is working this morning at church blessed that they gave her the job..this is where she has wanted to work for years and the Lord has opened the door.  Austie and Gabby are sleeping in as they both have been having a difficult time sleeping.  I took out a great deal of chicken last night~  hoping to take it over to dad and moms today for Sunday dinner...not sure what I am going to do with it yet but I am sure that it will come to me.  Straightened up a little last night and after yesterday I am just spent..will have to pace myself over the next several days as I have been on the go now for the past several months and I don't want to slip back into a flare~  I've learned the hard way how to listen to my body and rest when I have too~  Will be getting Mandy this afternoon and than back home again..and off to mom and dad....So thankful for Sundays and a day of rest and relaxation~  Thank you Lord!


Dolores said...

So many changes in your families life. Whether they be good or bad, they're still changes and hard on the body and mind.
Take care of yourself and don't over do and get sick....
I'm thrilled to read that Tom has a job...
Will you be moving soon and nearby?
You and your family continue in my thoughts and prayers!

Nana's Nuggets said...

Hi! Vikki, sounds like things have settled down a bit for you! That sounds so good! Chiken on Sunday, I grew up with Fried chicken for Sundays. so happy to hear that hubby has been working, mine works 7 days a week, even with the bad health issues he has. But Thanking God he just keeps going. hope you have a Blessed Wednesday:)