Thursday, September 30, 2010


God is amazing~  Never does He cease to not provide...emotionally, financially for our family.  I am here today to encourage you..that whatever present trouble you find yourself in...He is there.  Are you feeling alone in your present trouble?  I am here to tell you that He meets us right where we are......Last week my father underwent another amputation on the same leg.  God is ever merciful and I am telling you that the power of prayer real and alive today.  Even in his present dad is a walking miracle!  His present state of mind is good..he jovial and still so enjoys visiting with his grandchildren.  Our church family has been amazing in their love for him.  They are lifting him up in prayer of course but also have made it a point to visit with him and love on in him person.  This really speaks to how the Lord wants us to be to one another.  I am so trying to remember is so hard!  I am a work in progress...can't say that enough...I don't have all the answers and I never will.  I can only seek to live the way the Lord wants me to by staying in communication with Him.  Prayer to me is just a constant conversation with my Lord that continues throughout the day.  What this does for me is indescribable.  It gets me through the day and my days are not easy.  It begins before my feet hit the floor in the morning and this helps set my tone for the day.  I can tell you right now on the days that I don't do this....well~  it isn't pretty.
I can be cantankerous and than I need to step back and adjust.  Do I really want to be a walking testimony of cantankerous Christianity?  No.  So I must be thoughtful in how I approach my day.


Nana's Nuggets said...

Hi! Vikki, so happy to hear from you! I am very happy that your Dad is doing good! Thank you Lord! I thought this was interesting with this post, because of the scripture that I felt led to leave on mine, and you used the word;Indescriable,as well.Oh! yeah we have to Thank Him everyday for the gift he gave us! Oh, and your new background is so pretty. Stay in touch:), Happy wk-end!

Dolores said...

You're a constant source of inspiration to me.
Yes, you're so right about God always being with us and never leaving us alone....... Thanks be to God, He also places people such as yourself, in our lives to give us hope and inspiration.
Hugs, Prayers and Love to you and your family,