Monday, April 25, 2011

Bloom where your planted~

Bloom where your planted~ I am sure we have all have heard the saying many times.  It has really begun at this stage in my life to take on true meaning.  God has seen me through so many changes these past three years~ I have lost many dear loved ones.....we have lost our business , our home....our old way of life~ but we've gained much.  I have learned to rely on God for all things..and I have learned to pray more fervently than ever before.  I have learned that I am not in control of anything....I use to believe that I had some control but we all know that was nothing more that allusion on my part.  My heavenly Father has seen me through many changes and through it all he has supplied the strength I need because I know I can't handle life without him.  So if all these hard times...the heartbreak the losses I have suffered can be used by the Lord to encourage be it. I know my God is bigger than all things...and I know that he will continue to sustain me and our family.  I am going to bloom where he has planted me~


Nana's Nuggets said...

Hi! Vikki, wonderful post! very encouraging; Hope your Mom is doing better! Have a great week! And yes~ God knows exactly what we need! Love and BLessings!

Dolores said...

I ditto what Nana's Nuggets just said..... I was thinking how encouraging and inspiring you always are to me.
I love this post.... and I needed it today...actually this week.
Thank you... and God bless you and your family!