Tuesday, August 30, 2011

God's Timing~

Praise God!!  Tom got the phone call~ he got the job!  What an answer to prayer; we are just praising the Lord.  To hear the excitement in my husbands voice...to know that Austin will be able to go the doctor....it is a brand new start for our family.  God's timing is perfect~ it has been a long, hard and difficult road but!  God enabled us to: see grandma to her homecoming....spend the last several years being there for my father...God allowed us to be here when he finally called my father into his heavenly rest.  I have asked God why? so many times through the last several years....but!  He always provided what we needed  when we needed it.....he always sustained me; he never failed us.  Thank you Lord for your provision for our family!

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Oh Vikki, this is the most uplifting and wonderful post I've read in a long time.
I PRAISE GOD for answered prayers. I'm not sure how long we've been blog friends, but I do know that I've been praying for your family or 'awhile'......and your faith has always been so strong and never wavering (or at least you never let it show).
God is good......I'm thrilled for your family.

I love what you said about your grandmother's homecoming.....so sweet!