Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Home Again~

So I have been spending the last several days recuperating at home after several days in the hospital~ there are times when I forget that I have Lupus...I love those days but every once in a while it rears its ugly head to remind me.  This happened last week after a very long day and not feeling so good...I was having a hard time breathing so Tom took me to the hospital.  I am very happy to say that all the tests they ran had great results...no heart issues...no problem whatsoever but just an incredibly big flare.  So here I am at home resting~ God is good the hospital visit is covered and now I just need to regroup.  Tom leaves this Thursday for Roanoke, Virginia.  So excited!  He is meeting with his bosses to look at and sign the contract.  We are hoping that he can start by October.  We are trusting the Lord for the money for him to go up and get settled.  The kids and I have been invited to stay come December with a cousin who lives four hours away.  He and her husband have opened their house to us so that Tom would not have to be without us and us without him for too long.  God is good.  So we will see ...the kids would like to stay through December but Tom very much would like us to stay with them.  So much to be done~ packing!  Please dear sisters; pray for that the Lord gives me the strength I need to do all that must be done.  Pray that we are able to save the monies needed for this move.  I know that God will make a way...where it seems hard.  He has not failed us and I do not believe that he will stop now.  He is faithful even when I struggle in my faith and walk....He is good.

1 comment:

Nana's Nuggets said...

Hi! vikki~ hope this finds you feeling better! and yes~ God will provide! He keeps his promises! Have a great week:)