We are still finishing up our school year...but we always homeschool year round because it allows us to take breaks as needed throughout the year and it allows for real life. Well, I have been looking into what we were going to do about school books for next year with our finances in the state they are in...so I contacted two publishers that I have been using throughout our homeschooling....they sent me information for scholarships for the kids! Wow~ What a blessing...Our Pastor filled out a letter this afternoon for us..so I am waiting to hear from one and I will be filling out the application for the other tomorrow. My Amanda has dyslexia so I need to use a computer program for her that reads the assignment when her eyes tire..this has been wonderful for her and she has done so well on her assignments..but I didn't know how we could get it for her~ God is good..now she will be able to have what she needs! God's provision for our family has been step by step..
Psalm 16:1-2
Keep me safe , O God
for I have come to you for refuge.
I said to the Lord, Your are my Master!
Every good thing comes from you.
A Christian wife and Mom who wants to encourage those around her with tales of our daily life and struggles~

Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
God never ceases to amaze~
God never ceases to amaze me....He is new every morning~
Great is thy faithfulness...Great is thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All that I needed thy hand hath provided~
God's provision for our family is a constant reminder of how He loves and cares for everyone of us...Today a family that has blessed our family in so many ways was led by the Lord to bless our family yet again. They sent us a check for 139.46...Now you may be thinking what an odd number but I knew right away what this meant...Psalm 139 and Psalm 46...These are Psalms that the Lord has placed on my heart to encourage me through these difficult times...Now the interesting thing is I had not shared this with these friends...but God knew and He shared it! A good friend has arranged for meals for my family..she came today bright an early ready to not only deliver the meals but to fellowship and pray with me as well.....Amazing! Because the Lord knows not only that I love the company but the encouragement as well is so greatly needed. God never ceases to be a kind and loving Father too me...I got an unbelievable report from the hematologist ....no more blood clot! No more blood thinners....just an aspirin a day~ God is so gracious too me by providing a doctor who really listened to what I had to say and had a spirit of compassion..something that so many lack these days. I start back on the chemo meds tonight in order to break down my immunity that way I can get back on track and stop having these flares...so my prayer is that I will do well as in the past it does take a toll with the side effects. I am trusting that this will work and that I will be back on my feet soon. Tom is driving today on I95 through Jacksonville today. The kids and I spent time praying for him and I have tried to text him scripture and some encouraging notes. I am hoping to here from him tonight...we have already had an answer to prayer with him meeting a fellow Christian that will be his study partner. God I believe will put our family right where we need to be~
Isaiah 41:10
Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous hand.
Great is thy faithfulness...Great is thy faithfulness
Morning by morning new mercies I see
All that I needed thy hand hath provided~
God's provision for our family is a constant reminder of how He loves and cares for everyone of us...Today a family that has blessed our family in so many ways was led by the Lord to bless our family yet again. They sent us a check for 139.46...Now you may be thinking what an odd number but I knew right away what this meant...Psalm 139 and Psalm 46...These are Psalms that the Lord has placed on my heart to encourage me through these difficult times...Now the interesting thing is I had not shared this with these friends...but God knew and He shared it! A good friend has arranged for meals for my family..she came today bright an early ready to not only deliver the meals but to fellowship and pray with me as well.....Amazing! Because the Lord knows not only that I love the company but the encouragement as well is so greatly needed. God never ceases to be a kind and loving Father too me...I got an unbelievable report from the hematologist ....no more blood clot! No more blood thinners....just an aspirin a day~ God is so gracious too me by providing a doctor who really listened to what I had to say and had a spirit of compassion..something that so many lack these days. I start back on the chemo meds tonight in order to break down my immunity that way I can get back on track and stop having these flares...so my prayer is that I will do well as in the past it does take a toll with the side effects. I am trusting that this will work and that I will be back on my feet soon. Tom is driving today on I95 through Jacksonville today. The kids and I spent time praying for him and I have tried to text him scripture and some encouraging notes. I am hoping to here from him tonight...we have already had an answer to prayer with him meeting a fellow Christian that will be his study partner. God I believe will put our family right where we need to be~
Isaiah 41:10
Do not be afraid, for I am with you;
do not be dismayed, for I am your God.
I will strengthen you and help you;
I will uphold you with my righteous hand.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Yard Sale Weekend~
Yard sale weekend...I got everyone up this morning at six am after going to bed with a migraine last night. So thankful though that God gave me the strength to get up! Wasn't sure if I would be able too~ Tom will be leaving on Sunday at noon for trucking school...he is a bit nervous and and very much on edge about passing this class...I can't imagine that it is easy navigating those large eighteen wheelers. I am praying that the Lord would help him not only to pass but get a job...we have been blessed by my parents and extended family helping us right now as Tom's unemployment benefits were taken away because he had to quit his blockbuster part-time job in order to go away to school...go figure...here we are trying to better our families circumstances...can't figure out this government we have...but that is a whole other story for which I could begin an endless rant...So we made three hundred dollars today..and we will be back at it tomorrow ...so much for Father's day for Tom...Perhaps we'll celebrate after his graduation. Anyone reading this post please pray for us..we are trying to get enough money this weekend in order to pay our car insurance bill and Tom's truck payment all due this week....But! I am so very thankful that the Lord enabled us to make the money we did!
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Time alone~
The kids and Tom are at mom and dad's tonight...Yea! Don't get me wrong..I love my family! But it was such a busy day today...such a busy week ~ filled with doctor's appointments that I have been enjoying the quiet. I saw the internist yesterday...who agreed that I did indeed have a blood clot in my lung. Today I saw my rheumatologist who has switched my meds around and has put me back on chemotherapy..which to say the least I am not thrilled with but my immunity is so overactive that this really is the only thing that may work. Lord willing it will or he will be sending me to the University of Miami hospital for treatment. My mom would like me to go to a treatment center in Arizona but I think that this is going to be cost prohibitive. We will see~ So many feel that God will heal me and it is not that I don't want to be healed...or that I am not open to being healed; I am. But God doesn't heal everyone..for whatever reason sometimes in this life we will suffer...I do know that this illness has given me a compassion that perhaps I wouldn't have otherwise...so in many ways what was meant for bad..God has used for good. Tom will be leaving for trucking school on Monday and I will be seeing the hematologist on Tuesday to get to the bottom of the situation with the pulmonary embolism. So we will see what the Lord does ...with my health, a job for Tom and a home for our family~
Psalm 18:6
I called out to the Lord in my distress.
Matthew 10:31
Do not fear therefore;
you are of more value
than many sparrows.
Psalm 18:6
I called out to the Lord in my distress.
Matthew 10:31
Do not fear therefore;
you are of more value
than many sparrows.
Monday, June 15, 2009
When peace like a river attendeth my way
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say~
It is well...It is well with my soul
I must remember this ...I really need to cling to this sentiment during this time in my life. This is a time of many uncertainties and yet I need to remember to take it one day at a time. Moment by moment. Tom will be leaving on the 21st for school again. He shared with me it will only be for two weeks as they have credited him for the time he was there before I fell ill. I am praying that the Lord would give him the job that He wants Tom to have and that the Lord would place us where He wants our family. I hope...and pray that we would be able to stay together. But I know that we need to be open to God's perfect will. I have not been able to see my dad in a week due to being sick....now my mom has come down with it. I pray that my dad does not come down with it as his health is so very poor. I have the munchkins for the next two days as Chris finishes up her exams..I do not know yet what her new schedule will be like. I hope that I can be of help too her...though I do wish that she would get involved at church so that she would meet others that might be able to help her also due to my health issues and the possibility of a move in our future. I pray that she would once again get in the word and that she would exercises better judgement and discernment. I have shared with her my concerns but that really is all I can do ...I cannot walk out her Christian faith for her. So I pray~ It is going to be a very long day tomorrow as the kids will be here bright and early and than gone for several hours and back until ten at night. Tom , Gabby and Austie will be helping tomorrow but I will not get the rest I need in the afternoon...So I'll pray for strength. Off to bed~
When sorrows like sea billows roll
Whatever my lot thou hast taught me to say~
It is well...It is well with my soul
I must remember this ...I really need to cling to this sentiment during this time in my life. This is a time of many uncertainties and yet I need to remember to take it one day at a time. Moment by moment. Tom will be leaving on the 21st for school again. He shared with me it will only be for two weeks as they have credited him for the time he was there before I fell ill. I am praying that the Lord would give him the job that He wants Tom to have and that the Lord would place us where He wants our family. I hope...and pray that we would be able to stay together. But I know that we need to be open to God's perfect will. I have not been able to see my dad in a week due to being sick....now my mom has come down with it. I pray that my dad does not come down with it as his health is so very poor. I have the munchkins for the next two days as Chris finishes up her exams..I do not know yet what her new schedule will be like. I hope that I can be of help too her...though I do wish that she would get involved at church so that she would meet others that might be able to help her also due to my health issues and the possibility of a move in our future. I pray that she would once again get in the word and that she would exercises better judgement and discernment. I have shared with her my concerns but that really is all I can do ...I cannot walk out her Christian faith for her. So I pray~ It is going to be a very long day tomorrow as the kids will be here bright and early and than gone for several hours and back until ten at night. Tom , Gabby and Austie will be helping tomorrow but I will not get the rest I need in the afternoon...So I'll pray for strength. Off to bed~
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Relaxing day with the girls~
Today the girls and I are just pulling a relaxer! You know sometimes it is just good to sit around and do absolutely nothing....I got the Tom and Austie up early this morning to help move my father's office. Something which is heart rendering knowing that he can no longer go into the office he loves due to his health issues But! the mere fact that he is hanging in in the way he is is a testament to his will to live and Gods mercy. So this afternoon I sit here on the couch keeping my girls company who are under the weather...Amanda with a sinus infection and Gabby with a toothache and we will just be couch potatoes~ Something we haven't done in quite sometime...We simply just need some rest after the last several weeks of hospitalization and worry on the kids part...we are bone weary tired and need to recuperate. We had a lovely visit from dear friends yesterday who were sweet enough to bring us a lovely lunch that left us enough for dinner leftovers and she even baked the kids homemade cookies~ I have been blessed with such good friends and a wonderful church that has risen to the occasion of blessing us in our time of need. ...and the added blessing of having our family back together again is something for which I cannot begin to express~ God is good, We are blessed and will continue to look to Him to meet our every need.
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Long suffering~ This sometimes in life is unavoidable...sometimes when you have a chronic illness it is to be expected. Pain, frustration, tears...all apart of the gift of illness~ But along with this comes an understanding that it is not "all about me"...that there is so much in life to be appreciated when you are able to function both mentally and physically...that God will take you through those peaks and valleys! I have been away from writing for weeks now due to a blood clot in my lung and various complications from systematic lupus...but through it all the Lord has seen me through~ I have met quite a cast of characters along the way..some wonderful some very unpleasant but the Lord gave me the wherewith all to persevere no matter what....God gave me the opportunity to minister and to be ministered too~ And now He has finally brought me home to my family and for that I am truly thankful for~ Now as I continue my journey during this difficult season of my life; I have an assurance that He alone is walking with me and will never leave me or forsake me~
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