Thursday, June 18, 2009

Time alone~

The kids and Tom are at mom and dad's tonight...Yea! Don't get me wrong..I love my family! But it was such a busy day today...such a busy week ~ filled with doctor's appointments that I have been enjoying the quiet. I saw the internist yesterday...who agreed that I did indeed have a blood clot in my lung. Today I saw my rheumatologist who has switched my meds around and has put me back on chemotherapy..which to say the least I am not thrilled with but my immunity is so overactive that this really is the only thing that may work. Lord willing it will or he will be sending me to the University of Miami hospital for treatment. My mom would like me to go to a treatment center in Arizona but I think that this is going to be cost prohibitive. We will see~ So many feel that God will heal me and it is not that I don't want to be healed...or that I am not open to being healed; I am. But God doesn't heal everyone..for whatever reason sometimes in this life we will suffer...I do know that this illness has given me a compassion that perhaps I wouldn't have in many ways what was meant for bad..God has used for good. Tom will be leaving for trucking school on Monday and I will be seeing the hematologist on Tuesday to get to the bottom of the situation with the pulmonary embolism. So we will see what the Lord does ...with my health, a job for Tom and a home for our family~

Psalm 18:6
I called out to the Lord in my distress.

Matthew 10:31
Do not fear therefore;
you are of more value
than many sparrows.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Vicki, I prayed for you this morning. Wouldn't healing be wonderful? We know he can, but I don't know is that is His will. You have a great deal on your plate, and I pray that He will give you the grace and strength to deal with all this.
I appreciated what you said about 'compassion' gained through this experience. I also know that sometimes we like to be alone so that we can listen. Seems I rarely am.