Sunday, October 18, 2009

Down for the count~

Well....everyone is now down with the "cold" that we brought home from the doctors office. So it was an extremely lazy day of sleep, TV...books and the kids taking turns climbing in bed with me and vegging~ Heard from mom who sounds very company lately as we are sick and we do not want to pass this along to dad in his compromised condition. He had another dialysis treatment on Friday. We don't know how long it will take for the treatments to start to take we continue to pray and trust that the Lord will see him through~ I feel so bad for not seeing grandma has been three days and I know that she has been having a great deal of issues with her eyes. I will have to make another eye appointment for her. I continue to pray that the Lord would protect her and restore her health and mind. I have a great sense of guilt about her stroke...I wasn't around for weeks as I was in the hospital in Orlando and than here at home....I try not to think about the woulda , coulda, shoulda's but it is hard when I see her having a bad day~ I know that all of these life experiences we have been through will be used by the Lord for our is just that this process of growth can be exhausting! Sometimes I wanna just ask the Lord....can we skip this part?! and move along to the easy part~ I just want our family to be settled. I know the God see's where we're at..I suppose I just really need to not look at where we were..and accept where we're at...and I need to remember that God's timing is perfect~

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Dear Vikki,
Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog.
I've been reading through your blog, and I'm so touched by your love and faith in God. You are really an inspiration.

I'm so sorry you're having to walk this awful Alzheimer's journey with your grandma.
Please know that you and your family will be in my prayers.