Monday, December 21, 2009

Ups and Downs

It has been a week with many ups and downs... The girls and I spent all night on Thursday baking cookies at my mom's house...flour everywhere but some very good cookies and the girls had a lot of fun and so did mom. Tom started his new job and it went amazingly well. He thinks that they may be training him to manage a center for the environmental lab. Austie has begun to sleep at normal times. Praise God! Such an answer to took his daddy getting a job for him to start to feel secure again. So understandable as Tom used to work ten to fifteen hour the loss of work really rocked the kids world. It has been a rough week for me with pain levels. It seems that Lupus is rearing it's ugly head again and I am beginning to have some complications. I haven't been in this much pain since June when I was in the hospital. I am praying that I would be pain free for the rest of the week with Christmas right around the well as hoping to see grandma. I know she is being taken care of but she needs company and unfortunately everyone is so wrapped up in their own lives she doesn't get too many visitors...and then the excuse I hear is that it is too heartbreaking to visit her~ so I am praying for strength for the days ahead. Tom's mom has been giving our family quite a bit of grief unfortunate. She can be quite mean and she says it's all in the name of Jesus....I don't understand because although I can disagree with my parents on different issues they are never mean. We were to have dinner with her this weekend and the children refused to go...we decided to support our children...she had said some very unkind words to them and than justified it because she believes it was said with love....I don't understand~ Today at church we were reminded to choose our words carefully and to encourage each other. Really is this not what we as Christians are commanded to do? I always try to remind the kids of this because kids can be tough on each other..especially siblings~ The fruits of the spirit...two of them are gentleness and kindness..I love my children and I don't understand how she can be like this but I have encouraged the kids to not allow themselves to dwell on what has's no good to let things fester we need to release our hurts to the Lord. I am hoping that they will do that~

"Words of affirmation enhance relationships. Harsh, condemning words destroy relationships."
Gary Chapman

Eph. 4:29
Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.


Dolores said...

Oh Vikki...... I wish I could wave a magic wand and make the Lupus go away, but I'll do something even better..... I'll pray for you! I'm praying your pain will go away!

I'm so glad to hear that Tom's job is going well.... Praise God!

I don't sleep very much at night.... my mind seems to worry and race, but .... the good thing, I have a lot of time to pray. I will be praying for you and your family

It sounds like your children are well grounded and they aren't going to let Tom's mother's attitude affect them..... Good for them.... you've raised good children.

God's blessings to you and your family.... Merry Christmas!

KathyB. said...

I am glad to read your husband has work to do, work that provides for you all, and that you got to bake cookies together. As for other relationship troubles, one can only pray for you and your family to have the love necessary to forgive Tom's Mom and that she is granted wisdom to see just when and where she should curb her tongue and feelings in HIM and in Love...bless you all as you continue to seek His ways during these trying times and I pray your lupus does not get worse or cause more weariness....