Thursday, May 20, 2010


Have you ever been hurt by a "friend"..someone that you had shared confidences with....someone you thought had your best interests at heart to only realize that they had not~ the realization is overwhelming like getting punched in the gut. I have known this person for many years now...taken her family as my own....gone to bat for her against many others that tried to forewarn me I am left asking myself how could I not see the could I not see the controlling behaviour and now that I've seen it and drawn the line....she will not leave me alone~ she is relentless with the excuses..and it continues..there is no true remorse. It is all about her....There is no understanding for me putting my family first ...over friends...over the "organization" I work for...there is nothing but demands...What do you do? I want to take the high road and simply distance myself because I don't believe words spoken out of anger are what the Lord wants from me and yet speaking politely and with scripture is not accepted...and the worst of it is my dear Mandy and her girls...who are really young women are the best of friends...I sit here today very hurt because I strive to be the woman God calls me to be and though I fall short....I am striving...and I am trying to stretch and grow in His ways, words and deeds....I am at a loss today with the realization that people are not always what they seem and that I could be taken in so easily....I am hurting~

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Oh Vikki......How I wish you were here, and I could hug you and hold on to you, and tell you what a good and loving child of God you are.....
I'm so sorry you're being disappointed by a person(I won't say friend)...... I know it hurts sooo bad to think someone is your friend, and then find out they really aren't. I've recently gone through the same thing, and I know it hurts so bad!
I do know.... God will never give us more than we can handle....... a
Love, prayers.... hugs....