Sunday, July 24, 2011

Family Time~

Spent the afternoon with my titi(auntie) Eva today.  It was good to see we had not seen each other for some months.  Titi Eva is my grandmother's sister...the last one as all the sister's have passed on but her~   it was good to catch up.  My children adore her..she is such a hoot!  She is loud and boisterous and funny and unbelievably loving.  We also had my titi Sylvia~ dad's sister along with us.  It was a really nice afternoon and of course she had kids love her rice and gandules...a special Spanish dish.  My kids thinks hers is the best!  She used to love to tell my grandma was always a competition between them. goodness we have been reliving a lot of them lately.  I suppose its our way of keeping our loved ones with us although they are no longer with us.  Tomorrow Mandy lives with titi bright and early.  We will be at the airport before five in the morning.  Tom has taken the day off to go with me and see them off..five weeks~ not so sure it will fly by.  I am so thankful though that titi is doing this very special trip for Mandy's graduation.  Tom and I were not able to do anything major to help her celebrate; so this is a very big blessing.  I know she will be in good hands and that she will have a wonderful time with her cousins.  So off she goes~ just the beginning ; I am sure.  I am sure Tom and  I will spend the day recouping from getting up so early~ and than I plan to spend sometime with Gabby and Austie....the kids and I are planning pool and beach days to pass the time and get Austie the vitamin D he's orders~ not a bad prescription.  He is now on day three of taking is a low dose so I am not going to worry~ he needs it to help the inflammation and pain and I am sure that it will help his fatigue as well.  One day at a step at a time....I am going to try to remind myself of this on a daily basis.  Today I opened my bible and read: 
Proverbs 3:6
Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take.
Very timely I thought and that is just what I plan to do~

1 comment:

Dolores said...

During my sleepless nights.... I'm saying prayers for you and your beautiful family....

I wish I could sleep at night, but ... the good thing.... it gives me a lot of time to pray for my special people!