Saturday, May 22, 2010


Praise God from whom all blessings flow~ Praise Him all creatures here below~ Praise Him above ye heavenly hosts~ Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost

Well today started with me going to the new primary care who at my first visit would not do anything that I needed to have I went not knowing what to expect but not really expecting much..and I left it in Gods hands. Meanwhile Tom went to return the car he had purchased due to smoke and engine lights....I sent the Lord before both of us for our day~ Wow...the Lord was really listening this morning! I had my appointment with the PA who was very caring and polite and really listened....I was in shock and than I realized the Lord had made a way where I felt hopeless just days ago~ She is going to order the tests I need and actually took the time to explain my test results and will work with my Rhuematologist so that I can get the care I need. Thank you Father~ Tom got to the car lot and the salesman was extremely helpful and found us a minivan that way we could all fit and than to our shock when he and Tom were talking about work experiences...well~ he told Tom they were looking for help and introduced him to everyone and Tom was able to fill out an application and may have a interview when we come home...Thank you Lord! This would be such an answer to pray~ Gabby asked me the other day if God was really listening to was very emotional for me but I told her what I believe...God does hear us it is just we want things quicker than perhaps is Gods plan for us...and His plan a His timing is perfect...and when I struggle I must remind myself us this sometimes on a momentary basis...But! I do believe it~


Dolores said...

Oh yes, Praise God from whom ALL blessings flow!
Yea, ..... this is wonderful news....I'm so excited that it looks like the tide is turning.
I continue lifting you and your family up in my prayers!
God is good!

Nana's Nuggets said...

Hey, again! this is totally a God Thing!! Just love how He Works!! Keep us posted ! KM