Monday, October 3, 2011

Feeling blue~

Today has been a a bit of a difficult day~  I find myself looking ahead and looking behind; wondering why God has allowed us to be in this place in our lives.  I was always one for day, the week, the, birthdays...and now I am unable to plan anything~ it can be disconcerting.  I never doubt that God is there...never do I have a doubt that he loves our family but I am asking why?  I live by faith..daily and I pray~ I have placed my life...our lives in his hands and I am thankful for his provision for our family through these days~ But...I am asking the Lord for a respite...a time of ease...where we can regroup and restart our lives.  I have to trust the he is listening and that he cares about the little, big and small..that he will give me the strength that I need daily and will lift me up onto my feet again.

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