Sunday, October 16, 2011

My oh my~

My oh my~ what a busy week it was and it will not be letting up!  So I have spent the weekend lounging...being a couch potato~ saving my strength for what lies ahead.  Tomorrow begins bright an early with my great aunt~ to the surgeon we go...she has been quite sick and has to have surgery....and than back to her home to drop her off....back home to catch my breath~ and than off again to radiation with my aunt for her fitting for the treatments.  Lord willing they will begin her treatments this week.  The interviews for Tom and I went well last week...but we will just wait and see.  My boss at my part-time job has given me quite the work-out with her attitude towards me....praying that she will let up as this is not what I expected from a fellow sister in Christ~ and frankly I am very hurt.  Gabby is quite excited and nervous for her praise team auditions on Thursday night.  I hope and pray it goes well for her~ she has so few things that she really enjoys and singing is at the top of her list.  Amanda has started to study again; hoping that she can get some of her focus back. My Austin is still quite sick~ and we wait to see if we can get him to a doctor.  It has been frustrating as of late because although I am leaning on the Lord....I often wonder ~ When?! and of course Why?!  I just want my son to be healthy and taken care of and for us  to not be able to do take care of him makes us feel horrible.  So a really struggle for me.  I am just trying to remain positive and pray and trust some more~  Trust is such a hard thing and I don't know that it gets any easier.  One would think that it least I feel as if it should get easier for me....but it hasn't and I remind myself daily to remember that I have no control and that God does see what we are going through~  He hasn't dropped us....He doesn't forget our I understand His timing vs. what seems right to me....absolutely not! but I wait and trust and pray and continue on...because I am called to this life of faith.... and just because I don't get it doesn't mean that He has forgotten me or our families needs, wants, hopes, dreams~  I am reminded that scripture tells us that His timing is perfect and to everything there is a season....that He will never leave us nor forsake....these are God's promises to each and every one  of us....this is what keeps me hopeful.


Nana's Nuggets said...

Hi! Vikki~ just to let you know I just said a prayer over you and your Family! Claiming this day that Peace will cover all! Hope you have a Glorious Day just trusting God and all of His Promises:) happy:) day!

Dolores said...

Keeping you and your precious family in my thoughts and prayers each day.