Saturday, August 22, 2009


Footprints in the sand~ Many of us are familiar with the poem..when we saw one set of footprints it was because God was carrying us...I read this aloud to Grandma tonight as it is one of her favorite poems...she said He is carrying me. Yes , the Lord is carrying her through this~ Tonight as we watched church service online because Tom had a migraine it was an uplifting message on marriage...getting through the tough times..having that companionship that is so important..that friendship because when the days are long and there seems to be no end in sight for the troubles of life..I know that I have my very best friend along side me for the adventure we call life. Sometimes I wish it were a little less exciting with all the trials but along the way there have been so much joy with the children...with each other. God is good...these joys give us only a little glimpse of how much we are loved..can you imagine? Our heavenly father loves us and will never leave us nor forsake us..I have seen it in our lives over and over~ When I don't think I can take another step...when I am filled with pain and I lay in bed at night and simply pray..I know He is there and He comforts along the way...It is well with my soul~

1 comment:

KathyB. said...

Although I am just a little over half a century old ( how's that for perspective?) I reflect back on some pretty hair-raising times in my life and that of many dear people I know and love. As another blogging friend said to me, this will pass, one day this trying time will be over. And in this trial you will be more prepared for whatever else God might allow into your life, for your good ( don't you just hate to hear this sometimes?).And you know, this WILL pass, and there will be other things to concern us, and He will always be faithful....

Times like this are just plain bone wearying tiring, aren't they? Yet I find encouragement in what you write as you reflect on your faith and reliance in Him and express your appreciation for the many things He has blessed you with. Praise Him in the storm!Storms do end and the Sonshine was there all along behind the clouds.