God is so....good~ We had an absolutely lovely weekend! Saturday morning bright and early it was off to the horses...the children were all so happy to be there and the parents ..you could see the joy on their faces. It was a very good day of work and fellowship. We were completely exhausted by days end but it was the good kind. Saturday night Tom, Amanda and Austin went over to dad's to watch the Hurricanes play and than the Gators. Meanwhile, Gabby took a long and unexpected nap while I watched service. ...than shortly after I got a phone call from the munchkin man, my nephew Eddie to say that he had found a kitten. He wanted to know if I had cat food...silly question as I have three cats but I could see where he was headed with this~ I asked him how big was the cat and he answered me...kids are so literal..about six inches long.hahaha So than he said you titi(auntie in Spanish) I am allergic to cats..I said I know~ Well, do you think you could watch this one for me until I find it a home?....OK, I am an absolute sucker for animals and children and he knows it! So I was up around the clock last night taking care of this little baby kitten . The kids have named her Pumpkin~ the chances of us getting rid of her are slim to none as hubby has also taken a liking to her! She is a cutie though...I say this as I am typing lets see how I feel when I need to feed her at two in the morning. Amanda and I took her to see grandma who loved her..and it really was therapeutic for her. Animals really do have the ability to aid in the healing process. So we will see...my extended family is having a fit because we already have four animals but we are just the kind of family that loves little creatures~ we are all a bunch of softies. The Lord allows us joy in even the midst of uncertainety and sorrow and for this I am ever so thankful~
A Christian wife and Mom who wants to encourage those around her with tales of our daily life and struggles~

Sunday, September 27, 2009
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The Horses~
Tomorrow is Saturday and it will be our first day back...to the horses ...to the children. Our family had a wonderful and memorable time last year volunteering with special needs children. They all have different issues and needs but one thing for sure these children are special~ Not in the way most people would think but in every way imaginable. They are some of the most loving children and adults you will ever meet. I have one young lady that comes to mind..that is always asking ..how I am doing...how could she pray for me and would I like her to right now~ Not thinking of herself ...but of me and my family! These children have brought me such joy to see them progress..speak..laugh and smile. These are things that we all take for granted but they are a milestone for these children. If only for an afternoon you can see the parents stress slip away from their faces as they know they are somewhere their children will be respected and loved and understood. So tomorrow begins our horse season again..a time where we as a family can give a little back for every blessing God has bestowed upon us but I can't help but think we are the ones that are truly blessed by getting to know these wonderful and loving kids~
Thursday, September 24, 2009
God is so good to have blessed me with so many godly women friends~ It was one of those days when the kids were arguing and the hubby was beside himself and well let's just say....I needed to vent~ God provided..I firmly believe the Lord is just ok with us being real...with expressing how we are feeling and getting all out. It helps me to be able to walk through and process and make a plan...to be able to really know what the Lord would have me to do ....to have me to be~ I have a dear friend ...who is walking with me through all of this...who understands first-hand and is a true women of God...a true prayer warrior~ a lovely person...a wonderful tried and true friend. I am so thankful the Lord gave me her to encourage and exhort and I can only wish that I can do the same for her. She let me vent and gave me some wonderful advice after really and truly listening too me~ Thank you....thank you.
Monday, September 21, 2009
The Munchkins~
Tonight is Monday~ So that can only mean one thing...the munchkins! I watch my nephew..Eddie, age 9..Emily, age 7 and Haley, age 5 soon to be 6. They are my brothers children...he left them and their mother two years ago...but that is a story for another time. Tonight was all about spending time with them. The kids swam and watched cartoons and they talked and laughed up a storm. Little ones are so good for a soul~ They have the ability to give an adult...a different perspective. It brings me such joy to be silly with them...to just step back with them to no pressures...no sorrow just happiness...whether we are creating with play dough..or coloring or just reading together~ I brought them to see grandma tonight..she was so overcome with happiness that she cried~ They were absolute sweethearts too her...the girls sat on her bed with her and massaged her hands and arms with moisturizer and gave her so many hugs and kisses. They talked her ear off~ She had a wonderful time with them. Children ...especially little children are tonic to our souls~
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Blue berry pancakes~
Went and spent the evening with grandma after church this evening~ She is doing wonderfully! I just praise God that He is so faithful. He continues to heal her every day ..she continues to improve in her verbal skills and physically she is getting stronger. I have been extremely happy with the vita-hospice care. There nurses have been a wonderful addition to her medical team..she is no longer allowed to be in pain all the time..and I am so grateful for this..the other doctor would just let her suffer with the aches and pains from her previous strokes. I will be taking her on Tuesday with Tom and the kids to her sisters memorial. I don't believe that she knows but I told her we would be going out and that afterward we would go to IHOP~ grandma loves pancakes and hasn't wanted to eat since the stroke in July..well, all she could talk about the rest of the night was blue berry pancakes! And then she offered everyone else pancakes..she gave me such a chuckle. So tomorrow I will be making blue berry pancakes and taking them to her..I hope she will eat them and enjoy as they are her favorites and it is a tradition from when I was little and we would spend the night. I have such wonderful memories that grandma helped create. I am blessed to have her~
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Life~ there are so many joys...so many sorrows...Our Lord never promised that we would have an easy time of it on this earth...after all this is not our home~ we are just here but for a short time..our eternity is to be spent with him. Where there will no longer be suffering but infinite joy...happiness beyond belief and where there will be no sickness...I am contemplating all of this today as I spent time with my father...and he is not doing well~ He looks so very tired...I am praying for a miracle...I have seen the hand of the Lord move before in his life...he is not ready to go..he is so enjoying watching his grandchildren grow...and now with another little one on the way...I pray for God's mercy that He would allow us and my father to have yet many years together~
Friday, September 11, 2009
Let us not forget~
Let us never forget those who lives were cut short due to those who hate....Let us not forget those families who's husbands, wives, mothers, daughters, sons, sisters, brothers will never be able to be loved on again...Let us be ever-diligent to stand guard against allowing our government to forget! For all those who served our country and have lost their lives in service...Let us remember to honor them~ May we never allow ourselves to become com placate in our attitudes toward those who need help...May we always remember to have a heart of compassion...May we always serve instead of waiting to be served...May we always seek to do good ....May we always always seek God for guidance....May we remember to Pray for America!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
My Father~
My dad was admitted to the hospital today~ My mom took him to the kidney specialist and he immediately sent him to the emergency room for an echo cardiogram. He spent the whole day having test done. He was finally admitted at 9:30 tonight. Mom is emotionally drained...My mom and dad have been together since they were teenagers. They met when my mom was thirteen and started dating when she was sixteen. They have been through a great deal and have been an example of how we must rise above our circumstances and how to rely on the Lord. They will begin doing dialysis on him tonight more than likely..Please pray. The vein did not lift up from his surgery for the shunt for the dialysis procedure so they will not be able to use that arm~ They will have to use the other arm and insert the needle each time..this is an extremely painful procedure the needle is very long. I am hoping and praying that they will give him something to numb his arm completely. I am trusting that our Lord who is the great physician will heal him and be there for him throughout this ordeal.
Monday, September 7, 2009
His Mercies~
Today as a family we'll spend the day with my parents~ A prayer has been answered because we have reconciled. We have a God who listens too us and answers us ...His timing is always best. My father is home..not doing so well but we are blessed to have him home. His breathing continues to be labored from all the fluid in his body. He will be seeing the doctor on Tuesday and will be discussing beginning blood transfusions. Life is full of the unexpected some good and some not so good but through it all our God gives us the strength to overcome anything with Him by our side. Tom will be leaving tonight after dinner to drive down south to Ft. Lauderdale to spend the night at his mom's house for his interview tomorrow in Miami. I am praying that he will be offered a job. This is his third interview with this company and we are excited by the possibility of him having work. It is all in the Lord's hands we want to be in His will~ We want to be right where He wants us and I am believing that He will provide us with a new home. Went to see grandma last night and she looks very good..her color is so much better and she is speaking better...Praise God! She is too much~ She told me she is praying for Tomas' and that the Lord will give him and job and we will all be together. She wants so...to come back home with us and Tom and I would like that very much. It won't be easy by any means but we both feel she will do so much better around family. We will see what the Lord does~ The kids are loving to her and very patient. I know that this season will pass...God has taken us through so much and His mercies are never ending...When I think where we were and where we are now..He is seeing us through and the provision is constant and amazing..we may not have all we want but we have all that we need and we have enough that we can share with others..and really is that not what we are called to do~ Minister to each other ..Encourage each other and Build each other up.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
It Continues~
Well, the medical care here in South Florida is questionable at best at times~ My mom called quite upset to say that they released my dad from the hospital. There was a dispute between the primary who was on call and the doctor at the hospital...so he was sent home with all the issues he went to the hospital with~ My mom had them note that there was dispute between the physicians and if she needs to she said she would call the paramedics. I continue to pray trusting the Lord~
Just received a phone call from my mom with an update on my dad...his enzmyes were very high so they believe he had a heartache. Please continue to pray~
Urgent Prayer Needed~
My dear sisters in Christ~ I sent before you an urgent prayer request for my father, Carlos..he was taken to the hospital. He is having difficulty breathing and there is the potential of many blood clots. He has already suffered complete kidney failure from his transplant and was awaiting dialysis. My mother also needs a great deal of prayer for strength. Both my parents are believers. My daughter Amanda came to me with this verse and has claimed this promise for her papa. Out of the mouth of our children~
Psalm 41
The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.
Psalm 41
The Lord sustains him on his sickbed; in his illness you restore him to full health.
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