Thursday, September 24, 2009


God is so good to have blessed me with so many godly women friends~ It was one of those days when the kids were arguing and the hubby was beside himself and well let's just say....I needed to vent~ God provided..I firmly believe the Lord is just ok with us being real...with expressing how we are feeling and getting all out. It helps me to be able to walk through and process and make a be able to really know what the Lord would have me to do have me to be~ I have a dear friend ...who is walking with me through all of this...who understands first-hand and is a true women of God...a true prayer warrior~ a lovely person...a wonderful tried and true friend. I am so thankful the Lord gave me her to encourage and exhort and I can only wish that I can do the same for her. She let me vent and gave me some wonderful advice after really and truly listening too me~ Thank you....thank you.