Thursday, June 17, 2010


Bear up the hands that hang down, by faith and prayer; support the tottering knees.  Storm the throne of grace and persevere therein, and mercy will come down~  John Wesley

Well~  this evening my knees are definitely tottering....but  I am storming ahead in prayer!!  I have been having these long conversations with the Lord~  I have always told my children that prayer is simply a conversation between them and the we have been talking....I like to think it is not a one sided conversation!   Remember the movie The Bible~  the conversations that Noah had with the Lord in that movie....well~  that's me....continually talking...if only in my head..thoughts aplenty!  Today Tom went on two interviews...tomorrow he will go to an orientation to see if this sales position will pan out....we will see.  Someone said to me today that maybe the Lord is getting us to the point where we will consider perhaps moving~  You know I believe we hit that point a long time does amaze me at times the things that people say but I know now when I speak I believe I choose my words more carefully so this is something good that has come from all the inconsiderate comments~ See there is always something good around the corner if we look for it.  I am looking Lord knows....

1 comment:

Dolores said...

Oh Vikki, I love the John Wesley prayer.

As for the person's comment: Sometimes people have their mouth in gear before they turn their brain on.

I wish I had some great advice and words of wisdom to pass on to you, but ...... I can pray, and I continue praying for you and your beautiful family.