Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Wednesday and all is well~

Well, I went to the doctor yesterday and found out that I am quite sick~   as if I didn't know...don't you just love doctors? ha ha  So I will be on medicine for the next fourteen days.  Yuck!  I take enough medicine and thank you very much...don't need anymore.  So I am laying around...resting.  She said the mold in the house is not a good thing....Since we were out and especially because I knew that while we were out we should get things done...we set out on some errands.  Social shopping all done~  and we had time to fit in breakfast with each other which was so nice!  So not all bad....most certainly a well needed break together.  Tom received a call for another interview...Yea!  We are praying...very hard that the Lord would bless him with a job.  It is in the Lord's hands...I don't want to get excited for him and nothing happen and yet I want to encourage him too...such a delicate balance we wives have at times~


dtbrents said...

I'm praying for you and your husband. I hope you will be well soon. Doylene

Dolores said...

Oh Vikki, .... I understand what you're saying about a delicate balance.

Please know that I'm praying for your health and patience and for a good job for Tom.
Take care of yourself.

Karin Katherine said...

HI Vicki,
Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I'm praying for your family and your husband's promising job interview!

I just found your business card so I will give you a call over the weekend! We have a busy day today but hopefully next week will calm down for me.

I would love to get together with you!

Nana's Nuggets said...

Hi! Vikki, Hope this finds you feeling better:),
Still praying for hubby's job situation. I will be praying for you as well! Take Care.